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Redefining Housekeeping Services : The Role of AI, ESG, and Sustainability

We are in the era marked by technological advancements and growing environmental concerns, the field of “Housekeeping Services” has not remained untouched. The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), the principles of good housekeeping, and the adoption of green chemicals for sustainability is shaping the future of how we manage and maintain our living and working spaces. As ESG and AI has taken over our life in all aspects, I thought its right time to pen down the role of Facilities and CRE Heads in adopting AI, Usages of Sustainable products in Housekeeping, which intern will help us in achieving our ESG Goals.

AI in Housekeeping Services: Efficiency Redefined

Artificial Intelligence has brought about a paradigm shift in various industries, and housekeeping is no exception. The integration of AI in housekeeping services has led to enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and personalized experiences for both customers and service providers. One of the primary advantages of incorporating AI into housekeeping is the optimization of cleaning schedules. Smart algorithms can analyse occupancy patterns and foot traffic in buildings to determine the most suitable times for cleaning, reducing disruptions and saving resources. Moreover, AI-powered robotics are making their presence felt in the housekeeping sector. These robots can perform routine cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming, mopping, and even window cleaning, with a high degree of precision. They can navigate through intricate spaces using sensors and cameras, ensuring thorough cleaning without damaging furniture or fixtures. These advancements not only increase efficiency but also minimize the exposure of human workers to potentially harmful cleaning agents.

Good Housekeeping: Beyond Aesthetics

Good housekeeping goes beyond simply maintaining an aesthetically pleasing environment; it encompasses creating safe, organized, and functional spaces. It involves efficient clutter management, regular maintenance, and proper sanitation practices. The integration of AI can amplify the principles of good housekeeping. For instance, AI can monitor the condition of various elements in a building, such as HVAC systems and plumbing, and predict maintenance needs before issues escalate. This proactive approach not only ensures a pleasant environment but also extends the lifespan of building components, reducing the need for replacements and repairs. Additionally, AI-driven sensors can aid in monitoring indoor air quality and alerting housekeeping staff when specific areas require attention. This is particularly crucial for spaces like hospitals, hotels, and commercial buildings, where maintaining a healthy indoor environment is paramount.

Green Chemical and Sustainability: Paving the Eco-Friendly Path

The increasing awareness of environmental sustainability has led to a shift towards green chemicals in housekeeping practices. Traditional cleaning agents often contain harsh chemicals that can have adverse effects on both human health and the environment. Green chemicals, on the other hand, are biodegradable and derived from renewable sources, reducing their carbon footprint. These chemicals are just as effective in cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing spaces without posing a risk to inhabitants or polluting ecosystems. The integration of AI can further support sustainability efforts in housekeeping. AI algorithms can assist in optimizing the usage of cleaning agents by calculating the exact amounts required for different surfaces and levels of dirtiness. This not only minimizes wastage but also reduces the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Additionally, AI can aid in the selection of the most appropriate green chemicals based on the specific cleaning needs of a particular space.

Excellent Synergy: AI, Good Housekeeping, and Green Chemicals

The synergy between AI, good housekeeping practices, and green chemicals is shaping the future of housekeeping services. The implementation of AI-driven cleaning schedules, robotics, and monitoring systems ensures a high level of efficiency, contributing to well-maintained and organized spaces. When combined with the principles of good housekeeping, these technologies create environments that are not only visually appealing but also safe and functional. Green chemicals play a pivotal role in the sustainability aspect of housekeeping. As the global community becomes increasingly conscious of the need to reduce environmental impact, the adoption of eco-friendly cleaning agents aligns with these values. AI complements this effort by optimizing chemical usage and aiding in the selection of the most suitable products for different cleaning tasks.


The integration of AI, good housekeeping practices, and green chemicals marks a significant transformation in the housekeeping services industry. This convergence brings efficiency, sustainability, and health considerations to the forefront, reshaping the way we perceive and manage our living and working spaces. As technology continues to advance and environmental consciousness grows, the housekeeping landscape is set to evolve further, promising a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable future. It’s time for all the FM & CRE Professionals to give back to the society and reduce the carbon burden on “Mother Earth”. These simple steps will definitely help the FM & CRE Professionals to achieve their ESG goals.

Haraprasad Panda, MRICS


Kapston Services Limited